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Social Media Check

Social Media Screening

Research an Employees Social Media to Uncover Adverse Views, Comments and Images

What employees say online reflects on who they are

Our social media screening of key social platforms can reveal publicly available content about hires and existing employees that reflects undesirable behaviour or views.

Our experienced analysts’ searches can uncover insults, bullying, toxic language, sexism, threats of violence and more. Our results consistently comply with our policy guidelines and

– are flagged within our online customer dashboard, as well as being made available within our comprehensive screening report.

Safeguard your firm’s reputation and protect staff, customers and the public with social media checks to minimize the risk of a bad hire.

Webinar: Why social media is a key part of background screening

This social media screening webinar covers how to safeguard your company’s reputation and protect staff, customers and the public via thorough social media checks to minimize the risk of a bad hire.