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Social Media: Fake profiles and illegitimate information

social media

This article illustrates just how easy it can be for people to create fake social media profiles. Even with information that seems completely legitimate, however. Read the article to find out how an overconfident CEO and a motivated PA managed to teach an entire business an important lesson in information security.

It’s not every day you get challenged to hack a business leader. But when Jake Moore, a cyber security specialist at ESET, was invited to a debate with the CEO of a firm in Dorset on internet security, that’s exactly what happened.

“I bet you can’t hack me,” the CEO said, laying down the gauntlet ahead of the debate.

‘Oh, really?’ Moore thought, raising an eyebrow.

He accepted, but suggested that the best way to get the debate going was to try and hack his business. This would give him three weeks to plan and execute an attack on a man he’d specifically told was a target.

“For some reason, I got really cocky at this point,” Moore says. “I said, ‘I bet I could even get your shoe size’.”

To see how Moore managed to get one over on this CEO, check out the rest of the article here.