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Screening: Why your personal brand is important

A new survey has revealed that 90% of employers factor candidate’s social media accounts into their hiring decisions. Furthermore, 79% have rejected a candidate based on their social media content. It’s a challenging time to be in the job market. So, this article goes into detail about how you can improve your personal brand – and get through the screening process.

What Employers Look for in a Personal Brand

  • Almost all employers (98%) do background research about candidates online. Candidates should have a tailored, professional online presence.

  • Most HR professionals (72%) say a resume is very important when evaluating an applicant.

  • Almost all employers (95%) consider an “elevator pitch” important. Applicants should make sure their elevator pitch works for remote hiring processes.

  • Most employers (90%) factor a job candidate’s social media accounts into their hiring decisions, and 79% have rejected a candidate based on their social media content.

  • Almost half of HR professionals (43%) use Google search to research job applicants, but 80% say a personal website is important when evaluating a job candidate.

You won’t be surprised to find out that the article goes into detail about polishing your CV and elevator pitch, but in the modern era, the information regarding polishing your social media profiles, performing SEO on your name and investing in a personal website may be what you need to get an edge in the screening process.