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Degree fraud: advancing past levels you never imagined

degree fraud

Half of UK employers have been a victim of degree fraud. However, many do not take action to safeguard their business.

Continuing, here are the key findings:

-A quarter of CVs contains inconsistencies. Moreover, 15% were related to a candidate’s academic achievements.

-Furthermore, discrepancies in employment accounted for 52% of the CVs flagged with a major alert.

-Despite this, 20% of employers do not check a candidate’s degree qualifications.

-49% of large businesses and 48% of SMEs have encountered an applicant who has lied about their degree qualifications.

-83% of employers believe some of their hires have lied about their degree.

A CV should provide a clear picture of its owner. It should showcase their skills, academic achievements and work experience. Unfortunately, not everyone is accurate, or indeed honest, when writing their CV.

Our job, as CV detectives, is to confirm the truth and uncover the inaccuracies, discrepancies and omissions, thereby mitigating the risk to our clients.

The background screening industry is evolving, with more records now available online and clients requiring increasingly in-depth social media screening. As the global employment market becomes more competitive, and as some individuals become more creative in hiding the truth, it is essential that employers establish a robust background screening process to complement their recruitment activity and avoid the costly pitfall of an unsuitable hire. As a leading provider of background screening solutions, it is down to the competency and capability of Credence research analysts to validate the truths and uncover the lies.

I welcome your feedback on this report and will be happy to answer any questions you may have on how background screening can protect your business.

Hedley Clark, Managing Director of Credence Background Screening.

Credence can detect degree fraud, so you do not accidentally hire an unqualified person.